December 14, 2023

2024 NNC Mentor Program

2024 NNC Mentor Program

At the start of 2023, we had no shortage of initiatives we wanted to roll out to our members – what we didn’t have was the time. Well, as we move into 2024, we are pleased to share we will be launching a ‘mentor/big sister program’. What does this actually entail?

We will be calling on volunteers, more experienced members from 16 and up, to ‘buddy up’ with a younger member and help them navigate the world of netball. This initiative aims to support our members in all aspects of their netball journey, offering them support but also providing an opportunity for others to give back if they have the desire. There is no shortage of young players who want someone to look up to, and others that want to give back.

Whether it be someone to cheer them on from time to time, a shoulder to lean on or the more practical aspects of netball, there is no shoartage of opportunity. For those offering their support, let us say it is a fulfilling, rewarding and sometimes humbling experience.

What are we hoping to achieve:

Skill Development: Mentors can provide guidance and support in skill development. They can share their knowledge and expertise, helping less experienced players improve their skills, techniques, and overall performance on the court.

Confidence Building: Having a mentor can boost a player's confidence. Knowing that they have someone experienced to turn to for advice and encouragement can help players feel more secure in their abilities and make them more willing to take risks and try new things on the court.

Leadership Development: Mentors can play a crucial role in the development of leadership skills. They can guide players in understanding their roles within the team, help them communicate effectively, and encourage them to take on leadership responsibilities when appropriate.

Personal Support: Beyond the game, mentors can provide personal support. They can offer guidance on managing stress, handling competition pressure, and balancing the demands of training and competition with other aspects of life.

Role Modelling: Mentors serve as role models for behaviour both on and off the court. They demonstrate the values, work ethic, and professionalism expected of netball players, providing a positive influence for the mentees to emulate.

Team Cohesion: A mentor program can contribute to improved team cohesion. By fostering positive relationships between players, mentors, and coaches, the overall team dynamic can be enhanced, leading to better communication, trust, and cooperation.

Mentors can be instrumental in the holistic development of players, fostering a positive and supportive environment that contributes to both individual and team success. With the mention of team, we are pleased to share we will also look at the creation of peer teams, as another way to further develop a strong, supportive community.

We cannot wait to share some of the stories and success along the way!

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